We are preparing a demo of all the nice features of Domino 12. When we tried to set up the new "Alternate From Feature" in a Mail-In database, we encountered the following problem when you try to hit that little checkbox to enable this feature:

The database was defined as mail-in database in the directory and the router config was updated (this by the way has nothing to do with this issue). The server is running in a Docker container and therefor uses the Linux-typical file path structure with a forward slash (e.g. mail/myMailIn.nsf)
When you select the mail database using the file open dialog of Notes then this filepath contains a forward slash in its name when the server is based on Linux. If you do the same using a Windows-based server, you will get the path with a backward slash. This is where the problem is:
The underlying code behind this validation in the calendar profile's form element (this little checkbox) uses this comparison line to check if there is a valid mail-in entry in the directory:
If (MDBdoc.MailServer(0) = db.Server) And (MDBdoc.MailFile(0) = db.Filepath) Then
As you can see, there is neither a check for the name format (abbreviated or canonical for the server's name) nor unified formatting for the file path regarding the slash/backward slash idiom - so this will fail if your server is running on Linux and you use a client on Windows during the setup of the mail-in configuration.
Simple solution: check your filepath in the config doc and use a backward slash.
The other caveat will be the server name format. The property db.Server could return a canonical name where in the mail-in doc there could be an abbreviated format, so you should play around with this, too.
I would call this "an incomplete code" so I created a new case: CS0244566
HCL created a KB article type "defect": https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0092069