I lately came across a problem with Domino 14, but it turned out that this issue applies to 12.0.2 FP3 as well.
When you use the REST service control from the Extension Library to provide a custom REST service, you will get an exception which has nothing to do with anything in your XPage or your Java code. The root cause is yet to be examined, but the defect article is already up:
In addition, the given example uses a custom service bean to compute the REST service' response in the way very similar to this example:
If you use this control, please test your app carefully on the systems named above.
Update 1
I just tested the simple view based REST service setting with this control and I get the exact same error.
Here is an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xe:restService pathInfo="slots">
<xe:viewJsonService viewName="bitSlots">
This got it's own KB article: https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0109796
Update 2
As you can see, I got a comment here from Martin who provided a workaround a while back (which I did not notice).
In the XSP properties, change the line
and the error is gone. I just tested that with V14 (I don't have a test environment for 12.0.2FP3) and also informed support, so I expect the KB article to be updated, too.
If you want to learn more about this option, please checkout this excellent article from Sean Cull here.
Update 3
HCL introduced a fix for 12.0.2FP3 (IF1): https://support.hcltechsw.com/csm?id=kb_article&sysparm_article=KB0110951
Update 4
HCL just released FP1 for 14 (April 16) which also fixes this problem regarding the fixlist: https://ds-infolib.hcltechsw.com/ldd/fixlist.nsf/8ed1b46cfdba8957852570c90054623b/75115bf9404b698f85258b00000299d1?OpenDocument